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Joy Gallant Gallant, Joy Technology Director/CS Department Chair


 Saint Paul IT Chromebook Policy 2023_2024



Classes Offered

This semester course provides students with an introductory overview of the powerful potential of the personal computer (PC). Students will benefit through hands-on exercises in general computer use, Microsoft Office applications and Beginner Programming applications. A variety of interactive tools and interesting projects will be highlighted utilizing MS/Word, Excel, PowerPoint, MIT/Scratch, Alice programming and more. Successful completion of this course will enable greater confidence and general understanding in student-centered computer literacy.

This interdisciplinary course is designed to develop students' skills in alignment with the Massachusetts Curriculum Framework for Business Technology. The course is interdisciplinary in nature because it employs technical and stylized writing forms from English, and utilizes equation formula constructs and problem solving skills as explored in Mathematics. Students will be introduced to standard electronic business communication tools: word processing, spreadsheet, presentation media, and internet applications. These tools will be used in a variety of interesting and applied methodologies to ensure that each student receives multiple opportunities to build confidence and competency in electronic business communication. Topics to be covered may include: Cover Letter/ Resume, Business Advertising, Web Page development and Oral Presentation, Financial Sales Reporting, Stock Market and Company Analysis, Personal Budgeting. Students will have free access to hands-on computer lab and e-books (0.5 credit INTERDISCIPLINARY).

This interdisciplinary semester course is offered to students seeking to develop their knowledge and understanding of computer programming as it relates to movement in robotics. This course is interdisciplinary as core concepts and learning objectives build upon a S.T.E.M. standards-based curriculum. Students will learn basic computer programming logical constructs and terminology, and then employ these principles to develop programmed instructions for the “Lego Mindstorm NXT Robot.” All project-based work will be performed in a “hands-on” computer lab environment. This course will provide endless problem-solving opportunities for the creative and disciplined student. This course is specifically designed for students most interested in further study in the computer or robotic sciences. A prerequisite of this course is successful completion of Applied Methods of Computer Coding or Algebra I (0.5 credit INTERDISCIPLINARY).

This semester course is offered to students seeking to develop their understanding and skills in Computer Aided Design for Engineering. The students will be using professional CAD software in a hands-on lab following a standards-based curriculum. Students will become familiar with the full design process, performing analysis, creating and designing 3D parts and assemblies for use in a manufacturing industrial environment. Through a project-based approach, students will gain valuable experience working both as individuals and in team environments. The course will require consistent use and continuous development of critical and strategic thinking skills to solve real world problems. This course is specifically designed for students intending to further their study in the engineering sciences. Successful completion of Geometry is a prerequisite of this course (0.5 credit).

The purpose of this College Board Advanced Placement Computer Science course is to engage students in collegiate level coursework and equip students with the necessary content and skills necessary to succeed on the AP Computer Science (A) exam. For students who are interested in pursuing opportunities in the field of computer science or related disciplines, this course makes for a solid foundation in object-oriented programming and logical problem solving techniques. Through an organized presentation that includes object-oriented concepts, standard logic algorithms, and hands-on programming projects, each students strengthen their ability to conceptualize and solve problems through the implementation of effective solutions. Using the Java programming language, students explore and employ the details of data encapsulation, class and method constructs, standard programming algorithms, programming methodology and syntax structures. Students enrolled in this course must take the AP Computer Science (A) exam at the end of the academic year. Successful completion of STEM related coursework and the recommendation of the department chair are course prerequisites (1 credit).